This letter was published in the New York Times on October 21st, 2024.
Dear Americans,
We are survivors of sexual violence, advocates, and allies. And with voting already underway in the 2024 election, we come together to remind you that Donald J. Trump was found liable for sexual abuse in a court of law. He is a proven abuser. This is not a matter of opinion; it is fact.
A second Trump term would pose multiple dangers to our democracy—not least of which is the dangerous daily message it would send, through his presence and his policies, that sexual or gender-based violence of any kind is normal, unavoidable, and something the American people should accept.
We will not accept that. We demand better, and believe that in this election, Vice President Kamala Harris is the right—and only—choice for president. She will be an ally and partner in the ongoing work to end gender-based violence.
We encourage you to join us, for the sake of the survivors in your own life—those whose stories you know, and those you may not.
With respect,
Survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, and allies, from across the political spectrum
Alexandra Abreu
Alissa Ackerman
Jeanette Acosta
Lauren Adams
Negar Ahkami
Hon. Jose Alfaro
Abigail Allen
Bianca Alvarez
Maria Amuchastegui
Kristin Anderson
Bijou Angeli
Maureen Anglim
Kelly Antekeier
Jessy Arends
Emmanuel Ares
Jennifer Arlt
Mary Armentrout
Jenna Arnold
Chris Ash
Dillon Babington
Chrys Ballerano
Usicha Barami
Chad Barasch
Dan Barkhuff
Jayce Baron
Michelle Bart
Hannah Barton
Kate Bassett
Ambra Battilana
MaryAnn Baumann
Katrina Beach
Aisha Becker-Burrowes
Zoe Christine Bellatorre
France-Luce Benson
Lucy Bernstein
Vanessa Bertozzi
Judith Bertozzi
Anurima Bhargava
Hon. Alessandra Biaggi
Esmé Bianco
Anjali Bircher
Elizabeth Blackney
Billie Blair
Kayla Blatchley
Lisa Blinn
Lauren Bock
Sandi Bohle
Heather Bollinger
Katharine Bono
Lindsey Boylan
Mystelle Brabbee
Whitney Bradshaw
Aileen Brophy
Madeleine Broussard
Chandra Brown
Shelly Brown
Molly Brown (Beaton)
Kimberly Brusk
Melissa Bryant
Corrine Brzys
Lynn Buckner
Darcy Buerkle
Tarana Burke
Laura Burkhardt
Sophia Bush
Leanne Bynum
Emily Cain
Alice Cain
Lucy Caldwell
Yasmin Campos-Mendez
Christina Carleton
Kadra Casseday
Kendall Ciesemier
Lane Cigna
Lenora Claire
Joni Clifford
Christen Coco Guzman
Joanna Colbert
Carlee Colleps
Misha Collins
Lauren Collins
Edda Collins Coleman
Carrie Colwell
Caitlin Constantine
Danielle Cooper
Laura Coplien
Heather Corinna
Sarah Cormier
Rachel Crooks
Catherine Cuccaro
Elizabeth Cummings
Shawn Dailey
Lara Dale
Emily Dang
Shaina Danziger
Ketayoun Darvich-Kodjouri
Lonna Davis
Viola Davis
Laura Davis
Tory L. Davis
Karen L Davis
Amanda de Cadenet
Donna De La Haye
Steven Deline
Kara Devlin
Stacey Dexter
Riley Dodd
Diana Donovan
Laura Doras
Amy Dorris
Kathleen Douglass
Theresa Downing
Selby Drummond
Hadley Duvall
Jimanekia Eborn
Dave Eldridge
Nicole Embree
Christine English
Ray Epstein
Carolyn Ewald
Siena Facciolo
Taylor Fehrenbach
Sara Ferguson
AJ Fiedler
Pollette Fierro
Hannah Figgs-Hoard
Paul Fitzgerald
Daniel Fletcher
Sarah Sophie Flicker
Annalize Flores
Francesca Floris
Claire Forster
Nicole Fox
Deja Foxx
Natalie Frank
Mary John Frank
Beth Fried
Jaclyn Friedman
Cynthia L Frybarger
Tania Fuhrman
Ashley Gandy
Rebecca Garcia
Porshé Garner
Melanie Germaine
Laura Gibson
Aimee Giese
Dee Dee Giese
Allison Gill
Lisa Gill
Olivia Gizzi
Ruth Glenn
Sabrina Glidden
Kasey Goetz
Kristofer Goldsmith
Jennifer M Gómez
Fatima Goss Graves
Jessica Gottsleben
Ashley Grace
Sarita Green-Pesante
Maya Greven
Stephanie Grisham
Venu Gupta
Beverly Guy-Sheftall
Tom Hail
Ann Haines Holy Eagle
Jill Hamilton
Martha Lee Hanks
Kenneth Harbaugh
Jill Harth
Cynthia Hartwig
Madison Hayberger
Lukas Haynes
Susan Hayward
DeLacy Healey
Amy Laurel Hegy
Brittanie Height
Megan Helvering
Nicole Henares
Rebecca Henry
Cheryl Herlihy
Camryn Herold
Tayler Heuston
Hon. Katie Hill
Anita Hill
Megan Hill
Sara Hinnant
Piper Hoffman
Samantha Holvey
Joy Hoover
La Tanya Horace-DuBois
Jennifer Horn
Volora Howell
Carrie Hower
Meghen Hunter
Tani Ikeda
Donna Ireland
Andrea Irwin
Uma Iyer
Ranjana Iyer
Emma Jabour
Lisalyn Jacobs
Laurie Jacobvitz
Stephanie James
Erin James
Leslie Jett
Alva Johnson
Jill Johnson
Christine Joy
Ashley Judd
Terra Kater
Camille Kauer
Jennifer Kay
Shawn Kay
Danielle Keller
Jennifer Kemp
Deborah Kennedy
Genna Kidd
Tiffany Kieran
Michelle Kinney
Melina Kiper
Verlonda Kirchner
Kaleiah Kleiman
Kelly Klein
L.R. Knost
Mette-Marie Kongsved
Anjali Kumar
Jenn LaBelle
Lucane LaFortune
Christopher Lake
Padma Lakshmi